Birdata support and FAQs

  • Data format is based on the standard Birdata survey import data specification
  • The SurveyType field must not be included. This will automatically be populated based on the SOPSurveyType field
  • The SOP-specific columns are listed in the tables below:
Extra columns for survey file
Column Name Format Notes
SOPSurveyType Text (as supplied by SOPA) SOP-specific survey type. Required
Extra columns for sightings file
Column Name Format Notes
DetectionMethod One of:

  • seen
  • heard
  • captured
How was the observation detected Required
Behaviour One of:

  • perching
  • roosting
  • feeding
  • flying_in
  • flying_out
  • flying_over
  • drinking
  • investigating
  • other
Behaviour of observed species (birds only) Optional
LifeStage One of:

  • egg
  • tadpole
  • metamorph
  • juvenile
  • adult
  • mixed
Life stage Optional
VitalStatus One of:

  • live
  • dead
  • sick
Vital status Optional
Sex One of:

  • m
  • f
  • mixed
Sex Optional
WeightInGrams Number Weight in grams Optional
LengthInMillimetres Number Length in mm Optional
LegLengthInMillimetres Number Leg length in mm Optional
SnoutLengthInMillimetres Number Snout length in mm Optional
NuptialPads true/false Presence of nuptial pads Optional
TagNumber Text (max 64 characters) Tag number/ID e.g. 05FE2AF4 Optional
Recapture true/false Recapture Optional